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Experienced partner for global market leader of dynamic measurement technology
Space travel, competitive sports, and vehicle safety – are just three of many areas of applications...
Dialogflow chatbot - from business goal to digital service in less than two quarters
Conectys is a Business Process Outsourcing company (BPO) that delivers services from 12 sites...
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Integrated IT as a business enabler for Ostra Group
How do you ensure that your new IT tools meet the needs of hundreds of people who work in 11...
What can you learn with a PoC?
Jablotron Cloud Services (JCS) is a software company with its own IoT solution, which provides...
Taking the step forward and migrating to AWS
Enetel Solutions is not a typical ICT company. They offer a unique combination of business and...
Connecting Disconnected with Google Workspace
Nordic Telecom is a telecommunications operator with its own networks in the 3.7 GHz and 420 MHz...
Improving education with cloud technologies
How the biggest educational alliance in the Czech Republic underwent a complete digital...