
Focus your resources on the core of your quickly growing business, leave cloud technology in our hands.

Faster time to value with Cloud


Privacy compliance

Our solutions are PCI DSS certified to meet compliance requirements in a highly regulated financial services industry. To earn your trust we are certified by the most rigorous global security and privacy standards, including ISO/IEC 27001.

Disaster Recovery

FinTech businesses are sensitive to service instability and data inaccuracies. Both regulators and customers require quick processing and near-to-zero downtime. We will provide you with a reliable, highly available platform  with a rapid disaster recovery.

Infrastructure for payment gateways

We are prepared to support you with ready to deploy infrastructure for payment gateways. We base our solutions on our previous experience to produce a scalable and highly secure infrastructure for managing payments.

Case Studies

Purple Next boosts their FinTech services with managed cloud native infrastructure

Purple Next is a FinTech incubator that builds problem-solving and demand-driven solutions for the...

Read case study

Don’t spend too much on a Cloud Migration

How to start managing app as a separate product on GCP? Learn how to migrate the infrastructure and start using cloud services in everyday work.

Read case study

Connecting Disconnected with Google Workspace

Nordic Telecom is a telecommunications operator with its own networks in the 3.7 GHz and 420 MHz...

Read case study

We focus on your results

We help our customers to make informed decisions to get the most out of cloud technology. Take a look at some of the work we've done with our customers.

Revolgy - UiPath logo
Revolgy - Raiffeisen bank logo
Revolgy - AdCash logo
Revolgy - PWC logo
Revolgy - TranswerWise logo

Your way to the Cloud made easy by us


We’ll work closely with you to help you set up, operate and optimize your  full transformation that will enable you to deliver the innovation your customers expect.

Choose the right infrastructure

We’ll help you choose the right IT infrastructure to manage growth and innovation while keeping your costs low.

Finance Operations

Gain full control over your Cloud expenses. Bring together all the parties who are responsible for your cloud costs and make informed business decisions.

GCP for FinTech webinar

GCP for FinTech in a nutshell.

Can a fin-tech business function on a public cloud? Learn all the detail in our webinar.

We are more than happy to talk to you.

Are you interested in our services, or do you want to
know if we can help you with your case?

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