E-commerce & Retail

Leverage the power of the cloud with global-scale analytics to maximize the potential of your customer data.

Gain deeper insights into your audiences through global-scale analytics

AWS and GCP solutions are indispensable in the retail industry when it comes to unlocking the true potential of data for achieving business success. AWS utilizes machine learning to centralize data, optimize operations, and transform customer experiences, while GCP enables resilient data processing and a unified view of information.

Together we can find a solution that best fits your business needs, so you can leverage the power of the cloud and optimize your costs.

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Get valuable customer insights

We’ll show you how to put your data to use and leverage AI/ML to create valuable insights that can improve predictions and enable more dynamic and personalized customer experiences. We’ll help you set up the right cloud solutions for retaining and supporting your customers.

Privacy and security

With SOC2 compliance assessment, you will handle data in the appropriate and most secure way, as it’s non-negotiable for modern retail brands. We are certified by the most rigorous global security and privacy standards, including ISO/IEC 27001, so you can be sure you’re getting expert advice and know-how.

Gain visibility

Audit logging provides you with the answers to “who did what, where, and when?”. Get all the tools you need to manage your organization at all times, giving you extensive control and visibility over system and application security settings.

GCP’s BigQuery and Looker can be used together to provide a complete solution for data analytics. BigQuery can store your data, and Looker can be used to visualize and explore it. This can help you gain insights into your data that you would not be able to see otherwise.

GCP also offers a number of other solutions that can help you track and manage your cloud costs, automate your fulfillment process, and manage your online and offline retail businesses.

AWS offers a wide range of services that can help you improve your business, regardless of your size or budget.

Services such as compute, storage, networking, or IoT can help you improve your business by hosting websites, applications, and microservices; storing data, such as images, videos, and customer records; analyzing data to make informed decisions; and automating tasks.

Case studies

Read the success stories of our customers. Become a success story too!

World-class business with a local spirit

Digital revolution and online collaboration is no longer a domain only of fast-growing startups and...

Read case study

Integrated IT as a business enabler for Ostra Group.

How do you ensure that your new IT tools meet the needs of hundreds of people who work in 11...

Read case study

Modern transformation in a traditional medium

What issues did the company deal with? Employees were not used to use modern technologies...

Read case study

We focus on your results

We help our customers to make informed decisions and get the most out of cloud technology. Take a look at some of the work we’ve done with our customers.

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Make your journey to the cloud easy

Let’s discuss the details

After getting all the necessary information, we’ll propose a customized solution that fits your needs. Together we’ll analyze the approach and agree on the final version.

Choose the right infrastructure 

We’ll help you choose the right IT infrastructure that will support you in growth and innovation while keeping your costs low.

Finance Operations

Have full control over your cloud expenses. Bring together all the parties responsible for your cloud costs and drive informed business strategies.

We are more than happy to talk to you.

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