Revolgy blog - AWS

Cloud Native essentials for enhanced cloud infrastructure

Before the cloud, software applications were tied to the hardware servers they were running on. It...

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Elevate your cloud architecture with AWS Well-Architected Partner

Inefficient cloud usage, high costs, security vulnerabilities… These are common challenges faced by...

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Rightsize your AWS infrastructure: optimize costs without compromising your business

Amazon Web Services (AWS) provides a scalable and flexible platform to host applications, store...

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Cloud anomaly detection explained

In the realm of cloud computing, managing costs effectively is as crucial as leveraging its vast...

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Cost spikes alerts: Identifying and mitigating unplanned expenses

In the dynamic world of cloud computing, cost management is a critical challenge for businesses....

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The 5 coolest announcements of re:Invent 2023

As the dust settles on the annual AWS re:Invent conference and the thousands of attendees head back...

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Cloud cost management: The key to cost-efficient operations

In an era where cloud computing forms the backbone of many businesses, effective cloud spend...

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