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Unmasking the black box: the hidden costs of legacy IT systems

Written by Jakub Jan Kučera | June 9, 2023

Are you feeling the financial strain of maintaining outdated technology in your business? You’re not alone if you’re still operating with legacy IT systems. Many companies continue to rely on these systems for fear of change, perceived high costs of upgrading, or simply unaware of the alternatives. However, holding on to outdated tech may cost you more than you think.

Although dependable for their time, legacy IT systems can be likened to a black box for many businesses today. People continuously pour money and resources into these systems for maintenance, updates, and troubleshooting. Yet, there’s often a lack of clarity about where this investment is going and whether it is worthwhile.

So, let’s demystify this “black box” and unveil the hidden costs going hand in hand with legacy IT systems.

The financial burden of aging technology

When you tally up the cost of maintaining legacy IT systems, the total figure might take you by surprise. There’s the obvious expense: the regular cost of upkeep. You’re likely paying for routine maintenance, software updates, and perhaps even a dedicated IT team to manage the system.

However, there are also hidden costs. One of the most overlooked expenses is the opportunity cost. Legacy systems are typically less efficient than their modern counterparts. They can slow down operations, impede communication, and limit access to information, reducing productivity. This lost productivity is a cost that can significantly impact your business’s bottom line, but it’s hard to quantify and often goes unnoticed.

Another hidden cost is system integration. You may need to implement new software and systems as your business grows and evolves. Integrating these with your legacy systems can be complex and expensive, often requiring custom solutions or workarounds. On the other hand, modern systems are designed to integrate seamlessly with various other technologies, saving you time and money in the long run.

Do you want to know how we help businesses worldwide to migrate their legacy systems to a modern cloud solution? Read our case study about how we helped Nordic Telecom migrate to Google Workspace or find other success stories on our website.

The security risk and cost implication

Legacy systems also present a significant security risk. As technology advances, so too do the strategies of cybercriminals. Old systems, whose security measures are often outdated and unsupported, become easy attack targets. The potential cost of a security breach in terms of financial loss and damage to your company’s reputation can far exceed the expense of updating your system.

The price of incompatibility

Let’s not forget the cost of incompatibility. Staying with a legacy system can lead to compatibility issues as more businesses move towards modern systems. These can result in additional expenses for workarounds, increased maintenance, and even loss of business if you cannot work efficiently with clients or partners using newer technology.

The cost of unreliability

Finally, consider the price of system downtime. As systems age, they are more likely to fail, leading to costly downtime while issues are resolved. In addition to the direct costs of repairing or replacing failed components, there’s also the indirect cost of lost productivity during downtime.

When you add up all these costs, it becomes clear that maintaining a legacy IT system can be a significant financial burden. In contrast, investing in a modern IT system can increase efficiency, reduce security risks, improve compatibility, and ultimately save your company money.

So, as you look at your IT budget and wonder where the money is going, remember to consider the hidden costs of your legacy system. It might be time to unmask that black box and consider whether a modern, transparent, and cost-effective IT solution could better serve your business.

Interested in finding out more about the modern IT solutions Revolgy offers? Get in touch with us!